Friday, January 3, 2025

Hello 2025!

Another year has come and gone, and I don't know about ya'll, but 2024 seemed to fly by, didn't it? Or perhaps for those of us who are older, it does seem to do that more often. Or maybe it's just me. 

All in all, this past year was mostly a good, although I'd rather not experience a hurricane blowing out a skylight in the middle of the night ever again. But I digress. 

This past year, I had a trio of short stories appear in 3 different horror anthologies, and last October saw the release of the final book in my Mister Jack/Summerdale Trilogy, Mister Jack: Requiem. 
During the first quarter of this new year, I'll be working on editing my followup to my scifi horror novel The Ravening called Island of Devils. That book was actually written about 4 years ago, but because it turned out to be the longest thing I'd written to date (well over 500 pages), I knew it would need some heavy editing. That and I'd written Bloodletting, the 2nd Roseblood novel, and was chomping at the bit to start working on Bloodlust, the final Roseblood novel. Did that and released it, with fully intending to start editing Island of Devils. But as sometimes happens, I came up with a really cool idea for another book, which became my erotic horror novella Rebirth. 
And then, another new story idea grabbed hold, which was the final Mister Jack book, which was initially intended to be a novella but grew into a full-length novel. 

So here we are, 2025. I'll start edits on Island of Devils very soon, with my intention of having it released by the middle of summer. Or thereabouts. 

I've also been working on a new writing project called The Dagger. It's a coming of age horror novel set in the 1980s. But I'm taking my time with this, maybe halfway through the first draft and looking for this to be unleashed sometime in 2026. 

That's it for now. Stay spooky, ya'll! 

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